Monday, December 21, 2009

Semester in Review Part 4

I didn't get to do it nearly as much as I wanted to, but sometimes it was great to just get my camera out and snap some photos for fun.

Semester in Review Part 3

I had a great time taking photos of Bethany Hockey this semester. I love watching hockey and love the challenge of capturing action shots at just the right time.

Semester in Review Part 2

In October I photographed a wedding for a good friend. It was a beautiful wedding, and I had such a great time taking photos. It was one of the first times photographing a wedding without a backup photographer so it was a little different. Nonetheless, I am very happy with how the photos turned out. Congrats James and Natasha!

Semester in Review Part 1

This Semester I didn't get to take photos everyday but in the next few posts I'll show a bit of what I have been up to in terms of photography. :)
This semester I got to take photos for Bethany Bible College's Postcard/Brochures. There was one for each program offered at the school. I learned a lot through this project, and though it was very time consuming and at times frustrating, I feel like I learned a lot and grew as a photographer from doing it. Above are some of the photos I took for this.
